

I recently watched a movie that featured Rene Auberjonois and remembered him from Deep Space Nine, where he played the shape-shifter Odo. Web-hopping led me to the Wikipedia entry for that character, which revealed his backstory:
Odo was found adrift in 2356 in the Denorios Belt by Bajorans. It is unclear how long he had been adrift. ... Bajoran scientists, not sure of what Odo actually was, put him in a container and labeled it "unknown sample". The Cardassian overseers translated this into their own language as "odo'ital", which literally means "nothing". Even after it became clear that Odo was sentient, the scientists kept calling him that, giving him the name 'Odo Ital' (like a typical Bajoran name), which was eventually shortened to simply "Odo".
It stands to reason. Nothing shape-shifts like Nothing.

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